Page 13 - Student Handbook Feb
P. 13


               It is important that everyone in the College is safe.

               If you think that your health or safety is at risk at College, you should speak to your teacher or
               the Health & Safety Officer.

               Your responsibilities
                             Do not leave valuables like money, keys or your mobile phones in the classroom
                              when you go out for a break.
                             If you see anything dangerous or that could cause an accident (for example,
                              loose wires or broken furniture), please tell a member of college staff
                             Take care in the classroom with tables and chairs.
                             Keep bags and coats off the floor and out of the way so other students and staff
                              don’t fall.
                             When you use a computer, use a suitable chair and make sure that you take
                              short breaks to rest your eyes.
                             If you notice any damage or have a problem with a computer in the College,
                              please tell a member of college staff.
                             Please report all accidents in college to the Health & Safety Officer. There is a
                              First Aid box for minor accidents. If you or someone else needs an ambulance,
                              call 999 or tell a staff member.

               The College have staff with First Aid and Health & Safety training.

               The Health & Safety officers at College are: Rinku and Rebecca.

               The First Aid officers at College are: Rinku and Rebecca.

               FIRE INSTRUCTIONS

               The Fire Alarm is a long, unbroken ring.

               If you find a fire:

                         Close the door of the room which has the fire
                         Start the nearest fire alarm. Fire alarms are located throughout the
                         Tell a member of staff  immediately

               If you hear the Fire Alarm:

               IN CLASS
                          The teacher will tell you when to leave and which way to go
                          Do not run
                          Do not stop to collect your personal belongings

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